The end of Q1 2018 was this past weekend. It’s common for many companies to release a “quarterly report” around this time based on their performance and outlook of the horizon. In similar fashion, I typically like taking this time to conduct an audit of intentions I set at the beginning of the year and how I’m tracking along. 

My original goals and theme for 2018 can be found here. There have been a few adjustments made, which I have made note of below, but most goals have largely remained the same. 

Additional thoughts and learnings from the first quarter can be found in italics.


2018 Annual Goals


  • Workout at least 3x/week (41/156) – 26% (A)
  • Yoga twice per month (5/24) – 21% (B)
  • Sleep 6.5 hrs every weekday (56/250) – 22% (B)
  • Journal (78/312) – 25% (A)

Fitness and Health goals have largely been neutral, or what I call “maintenance mode.” I’m not proactively looking to push myself during this season – my focus is currently dedicated elsewhere. 

Sleeping 6.5 hrs a day continues to be a challenge.

Personal Relationships

  • Meet up with Lucas one-on-one once per month (3/12) – 25% (A) 
  • Eat dinner with parents once/every other week (10/26) – 38% (A+)

Personal relationships have gone well the first quarter. It’s been difficult carving out margin amidst the travel, but I’ve enjoyed quality time with certain people who are high up on my priority list. I’ve had to say “No” to a lot of new requests looking to get together for coffee meetings. It’s a boundary I’ll continue to hold until end of Q2.

Spiritual Walk

Quiet time in Word at least 5x/week (69/260) – 27% (A)

  • Meet with MC 2x/mo (6/24) – 25% (A) 
  • Meet with LTG 1x/mo  (6/12) – 50% (A)
  • Fast once per month (3/12) – 25% (A)

Spiritual walk continues to be good. Quiet times can sometimes feel like sheer discipline vs desire, but:

a) I would rather do it out of discipline than not at all, and
b) I’m continually asking that desire would take root.


  • Host a dinner once per quarter with at least 3 other people (1/4) – 25% (A)

**This has been a challenge and I may need to add additional bandwidth or revise this in Q2. I talked with my neighbor about co-hosting an outdoor block party but realized I would be out of town until end of June. It’s times like this that help me realize this either a) wasn’t a good goal to begin with, or b) I need to do a better job delegating these types of tasks. (ie: find someone to co-host)**


  • Conduct a silent, no technology, wilderness retreat once per quarter (1/4) – 25% (A)
  • Travel once per quarter outside of Texas (2/4) – 50% (A)
  • Travel outside of US once/year (0/1) – 0% (F) 
  • Go without phone until 8 am every weekday (40/260) – 15% (C)

I’m going to Mexico City this Friday, so international travel will be completed by end of week. I’m not doing well at going without a phone before 8 am. Corrective action will need to be made.

Business & Financial

  • Sell 3MM in revenue ($51,000/$3,750,000) << REVISE
  • Blog once/week (14/52) – 27% (A)
  • Write 300 words every day (60/260) – 23% (B)
  • Interview 50 entrepreneurs (13/50) – 26% (A)
  • Save for 2nd home (0/$50,000) << REVISE

**I quit my job, so first and last goals will need to be revised.**

Professional Development

  • Read 24+ books each year (6/24) – 25% (A)
    • Read 4 memoirs (0/4)
    • Read 4 fiction books (2/4)
    • Read 6 faith books (2/6)
  • 100 days of Spanish lessons (77/100) – 77% (A+)
  • Take a glass blowing class (0/1) – 0% (F)
  • Learn how to drive stick shift (0/1) – 0% (F)
  • Play keys at a concert (1/1) – 100% (A)

**Overall learning and Professional Development has been fun. I’m crushing the Spanish Dualingo lessons (part of the reason why I’m going to Mexico City). I also played keys at a concert this past weekend. Not something I typically have time for, but I did enjoy it.

There’s a new glass blowing studio opening up about a mile away from my place, so I’m looking forward to taking a glass blowing class or two in the next couple months. Likely a Q3 or Q4 experience.

Also, does anyone know where I can learn to drive stick shift?

Overall Thoughts

All things said and done, I’m largely on track with a lot of the goals I set for 2018 despite recent career changes. Leaving my job was not something I had planned for, but that’s life in a nutshell. I’ve learned that you can’t control many of the events that happen to you, but you have full control over your reactions.

Positive outcomes are a result of learning to accept and adapt. 

Beginning Q2, I’ve scratched a few of my Business & Financial goals that were based on metrics from my previous company and have replaced them with new goals based on new ventures and initiatives. It’s funny, I left one job and currently find myself managing five. These new projects are all at different stages and are requiring differing levels of attention, but the gist is the same: identify overarching goals and break them down into bite-sized pieces that can be executed on a day-to-day basis.

  • I’ve recognized that I’m addicted to my phone —  By far, the one area I’m falling short the most is eliminating use of my phone before 8 am. Now that I don’t have typical work hours, I’m going to test going to bed and waking up without an alarm clock. I think if I leave my phone charging in another room and trust my body’s circadian rhythm in waking me up, I can slowly begin to wean off this addiction. I’m sure it’ll also free up time for other things. 
  • Keeping goals front of mind makes them happen — I know this. But this practice of integrating my goals into my daily journaling practice and visually seeing them every morning has reinforced the importance of this for me.A good example of this was my goal to travel outside the US once/year. When I left my job, I found myself in a space of “what do I do next.” By going back to this list, I realized I had time to be able to travel, and what better time to travel internationally than in-between jobs! That said, I booked a trip to Mexico City two days after my resignation. I’m looking forward to it. Not only will it be a good period of rest, but it will also allow me to utilize some of the Spanish lessons I’ve been practicing. Had I not seen this as one of my goals for 2018, I would have forgotten about it and jumped straight into my next job.

Addition of New Goals  — There are two new goals I’m adding based on my job change.

Business & Financial

  • Reach out to 120 entrepreneurs (0/120)
  • Have 40 Discovery Calls (0/40)

These are both leading metrics that will allow me to track and assess how many interviews I’ll conduct in the future.


Overall, I’m content with Q1. We’re two days into Q2 and I’m juggling as many balls in the air as I can. I have a good feeling I’ll need to let some drop for my own sanity, but 2018 has been a fun and interesting year so far. I’m excited about Mexico City where I’ll have a chance to disconnect and spend some time reflecting and realigning. 

¡Hasta luego!